Instagram is the most popular social media platform mainly recognized as the source of entertainment as well business for so many labels.

But nowadays the most effective way of introducing yourself as it could be with the purpose of entertainment or the growth in one’s business REELS are the new short film introduction by Instagram which is mostly of 30-60 seconds.

It can include anything taking from the entertainment to the growth of any business.

Creators that utilize the reels ends successfully leads to good exposure to their profile with the great increment in their followership.

Ever since Instagram has introduced reels to the platform it has made tremendous changed talking from the length of the video to the many other features added new to it.


The reels that can be shared with audiences can extend upto 90 seconds. This extension rolled out during the duration of June 2022.

Which makes the statement that Instagram has beaten it’s own record for allowing the share of a video that is 6 times longer than the usual.

While the 30 second video pattern has stayed for over the year which has been replaced now bye the new tradition of long reels.

Instagram further extended how long your Reels could last for in August 2021. At the time, you could publish content that lasted up to 60 seconds long. Eventually, the time limit was changed to again to its current allowance.

Even if you publish Instagram
reels regularly, you still need to ensure that your content provides value to
reach more people.

Although, this 90 second limit gives the users more time to work with. The content can be explained a lot better.

This means that if you are planning on uploading similar content on both the platforms

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